S1 E4: 6 Micro Mesh & Solid Gutter Covers Uncovered

S1 E4: 6 Micro Mesh & Solid Gutter Covers Uncovered

Take a look at the South side of my garage and the six gutter guard products we are testing here: MasterShield, LeafFilter, GutterGlove Pro, LeafLock, Diamond Micro Mesh and LeaFree.

In this Episode...

In Episode 4, we take a closer look at all the gutter guards installed on the south side gutters. We’ll share how the gutter guards are positioned within and on top of the gutters, provide insight about each system, and speculate about how they might fair during the test.

Positioned, west to east, are the following gutter guard systems:

  1. MasterShield Micro Mesh
  2. LeafFilter Micro Mesh
  3. GutterGlove Pro Micro Mesh
  4. LeafLock Micro Mesh
  5. Diamond Micro Mesh
  6. LeaFree Solid Gutter Cover
South side of the garage

MasterShield Micro Mesh

MasterShield is at the southwest corner of the garage, next to a small apple tree and directly below a tall white pine.

MasterShield gutter guards in the shade
MasterShield Micro Mesh


Next to MasterShield is LeafFilter. The two systems are next to each other because they were invented by Alex Higginbotham and are most alike. 

LeafFilter Micro Mesh

Gutter Glove Pro

Gutter Glove Pro is a near knock-off of LeafFilter. Instead of being made from PVC, like LeafFilter, Gutter Glove Pro is a heavy-gauge, anodized aluminum frame that, like MasterShield, slides up under the first course of shingles. Gutter Glove Pro is the heaviest duty gutter guard being tested.

GutterGlove Pro
GutterGlove Pro Micro Mesh

LeafLock Micro Mesh

Next in line is LeafLock that is also featured on the north side gutters. LeafLock can be installed within the gutter or under the first course of shingles. We secured LeafLock under the first course of shingles and screwed it on the leading edge to the gutter lip. You’ll see that it has a more porous mesh screen that could potentially allow some pine needles and fine debris to pass into the gutter.

LeafLock Gutter Guard
LeafLock Micro Mesh

Diamond Micro Mesh

A new entrant, in position 5, that we’re unfamiliar with, is what we’re calling Diamond Mesh. It is a product of a company called Artesian Home Products and is sold online as a DIY gutter guard and through a home improvement company, based outside Atlanta, GA, as a professionally installed gutter guard. Diamond Mesh is available through this company in several states, so we thought it was worth taking a closer look at it.

Diamond Mesh
Diamond Micro Mesh

LeaFree Solid Gutter Cover

Last, but not least, is LeaFree, the one and only solid gutter cover in our test. LeaFree slides under the first course of shingles and secures to the front lip of the gutter with ½” zip screws.

No test would be complete without a solid gutter cover. If you’ve installed a solid gutter cover or are contemplating it for your home, LeaFree will be a good representation of what you might expect from other popular brands such as LeafGuard and GutterHelmet. LeaFree is widely available under a few different names, so it will be representative of solid gutter covers in the 2021 Gutter Guard Challenge.

LeaFree solid aluminium gutter cover
LeaFree Solid Gutter Cover

Now that you’ve learned more about each of the gutter guards, testing can begin in ernest.

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